Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oh Bullhorn Guy...

"Any movement that doesn't have love at the basis of it could not be about God."

It amazes me how severe the church as a whole is today.
I know that this is my same ramble, somewhat different topic,
but I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.
There's churches that I went to when I was younger and even into my early college years that there was no love in.
Everything was a strict list of rules and certain portraits we had to personify in order to be considered a "Christian".
There were business meetings full of yelling, and church suppers full of arguing.
Not noticeably a place of love.
Doesn't that disappoint the gospel?
Aren't we taking the greatest proof of the changing power of Jesus when we take the love out of our churches and let anger seep into them?
Do you think Jesus is looking down at us and shaking his head wondering why we just don't get it?
Maybe i'm beating a dead horse, but my heart feels so desperate when it looks at the church lately.
There's such an emptiness there that needs to be filled with love, and not another list of rules that are no where found in the scripture.
One thing I have really been convicted about lately is my lack of love.
The first commandment God gave us in the New Testament is to love him with everything we have-
but only second to that is to love everyone we find ourselves in contact with as we would love Jesus.
The two go hand in hand.
If we are going to have an absolute love for our Saviour, we will have an absolute love for the people that we come into contact with.
Perfect love casts out fear, holier than thou attitudes, and judgemental spirits.
If we are immersed in God's love, that's going to show in our churches, in our own lives, and in the people we impact positively with Jesus' message of love.

Those are my thoughts for the day...