Thursday, September 18, 2008

I love days off:

video games with my hubby,

gateway (probably more sushi...),

So, we found my absolute favorite computer game on Amazon and ordered it. I went to install it on my husband's computer today and it says that it'll only run on Windows 95, does something funky and shuts down. Talk about a sad day....when you're dependent on an even more crappy product from the Bill Gates foundation.

Maybe i'm happier now.
I find myself going on much fewer philosophical rants than I used to. Or maybe I don't have as many convictions as I used to- so I settle easier. I'm hoping that the latter is not the case.

I'm relearning freedom through Christ lately.
We put ourselves into this stereotype of what we think a Christian is supposed to be like. Essentially, we force chains and bonds on ourselves that don't even need to be there just so we can achieve some sort of weird Christian spiritual nirvana-if you will. I started going to church in a movie theater. Absolutely love it. It's awesome to get to become part of a group of believers that don't have the traditional inhibitions about worshiping Christ. They do it because of their love- not to impress anyone with how "non-traditional" they are. It's refreshing. (Maybe I do have little rants left in me..)

I just finished Reckless Faith by Beth Gukkenberger. Read it. No Seriously. Read it. Beth is the director's wife of the mission I was at in Mexico. She is an incredible woman- and the stories she writes about in the book are incredibly challenging. It's a privilege to have met some of the people that she is so passionate about.

Lessons of the angry at Bill Gates, and spider rolls are incredibly satisfying.

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