Thursday, February 5, 2009

Domesticity at it's finest.

We're watching Oklahoma.
It cracks me up.
People just don't how hysterically racy old musicals are.
Such rascals.
I'm submitting Jess to "culture".
It's been lots of fun.

I love my new house.
I'm counting down the days until we can move.
The apartment is getting smaller by the day.
Maybe it's the amount of stuff we're amassing.
Or just the anticipation of living somewhere that's not 400 sq ft.

I'm going to Mexico next month on another missions trip with work.
I'm so excited.
I fell completely in love with the kids there last year and can not wait to go back.
It was sudden and unplanned, but i'm completely thankful to go back.
I'm just hoping that this time I don't get stuck in Mexico...
And that the air sickness goes away.

I attempt domesticity.
It's a whole lot of fun.
I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I do.
I have had some bismal failures- such as first attempt at sushi.
But for the most part we have fun.
I'm turning slightly back into a health freak.
It's good for us though.
I'm so thoroughly looking forward to having a back yard.
I'm going to turn into a little farmer yet. :)
When we move into the house i'm going to start a photo blog of everything we cook.

This economy confuses me.
I'm not quite sure what my take on it is.
I guess I don't feel like we're struggling too much.
God really does bless us.
We both have jobs.
And not just jobs, jobs that we love.
I absolutely love my job.
I used to struggle with it quite a bit.
I really felt like we were materializing and merchandising God.
Sometimes I still do, but now I see the deeper meaning behind it.

I'm rambling- I know that.
But lately I really suck at keeping in touch so this is my update for everyone.

1 comment:

Stephanie Doll Photography said...

you guys are so cute and the house is adorable. I can't wait for you to be neighbors!!!!